I have all these good intentions--in fact, they should rename the crisper the "Drawer of Good Intentions"--and then life happens and work happens and I'm single with no kids so no one really gives two shits what I eat or not so I live on Fuji Apple Chicken Salads from Panera with an apple on the side (lol BREAD) and before long I look up (or down, in this case) and notice the onion has grown tentacles.
I actually think it would be cool/interesting to let this one go and see where those green tendrils head next, but alas. I'm having work done in my apartment and I don't want to provide evidence confirming I'm a total freak. I mean, shit. That's what this blog is for, amiright?
We're expecting a snow storm here in Boston tomorrow. I BOUGHT CHICKEN. As in chicken I plan on cooking. I figure if I die after eating whatever I make, I won't have to shovel. So there's that. And if I live? Then get ready for another edition of The Idiot Cook, my pets.
Stay tuned.
But admit it. This onion. YOU FEEL ME RIGHT?
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